NAGALAND POLICE Nagaland Police gets “National Award for Smart Policing” - Nagaland Police Headquarters

Nagaland Police gets “National Award for Smart Policing”

Nagaland Police is proud to announce that it bagged the ongoing e-governance ‘National Award for Smart Policing’ for its SMS based Vehicle Monitoring System (NPSVMS).

The award for the ‘Best Practice in the category of Road Safety and Traffic Management’ was presented to Nagaland Police by Minister of state for Home Affairs, Haribhai Parathibhai Chaudhary at a function held at FICCI auditorium in New Delhi on Friday. Nagaland Police was among the six state polices selected, for making presentations on the best smart policing initiatives across the country after the award ceremony.

The Jury chaired by former Home secretary G.K. Pillai includes– Manjari Jaruhar, (former Special DG, CISF), N. Ramachandran, (former DGP Meghalaya), Alok Bansal, (director, India Foundation), Milan Narendra, (director- government advisory services, EY).

Vehicular theft is becoming a matter of serious concern for the State and law enforcing agencies. Moreover, with the ever increasing number of vehicles on our streets, the cases of such thefts and losses only indicate a rising trend where such stolen vehicles are often used for criminal activities. In order to address this issue, Nagaland Police has developed an IT system in the form of Nagaland Police SMS Based Vehicle Monitoring System (NPSVMS) under the following objectives:

  1. Maintaining a common repository of vehicle information.
  2. Providing an SMS gateway to disseminate this information to field personnel quickly.
  3. Broadcast emergency messages to checkposts and duty patrols.
  4. Provide SMS helpline to the public for quick reporting of vehicular thefts.

All motor vehicle owners are requested to register their vehicles with the NPSVMS. It will enable you to report to police easily in case of theft of your vehicle and there is a much better chance for us to recover it.