NAGALAND POLICE NPTO - Nagaland Police Headquarters


(Directory will be updated as and when further information is available)

NPTO Name Designation Telephone Mobile
1 Er.S. Changkei Konyak IGP (Technical) 0370-2244920(o) 0370-2244919 (F) 9436016100
2 Er. Rongsenniken Sr.SP (Communication Mkg) 03862-240236 9436434065
3 Er.Keneingusa SP (Communication WHQ Kohima) 0370-2244985 9436005585
4 Er. Kewizun Zeliang Addl. SP (Communication WHQ Kohima) 0370-2242871
Control Room Kohima 0370-2244279 0370-2244277